{60+} Amazing Happy Birthday Messages for Son
Due to the hectic schedules in our daily lives, it is hard to express our feelings towards our children about how much they mean to us. But if it is your son’s birthday then you should not miss the chance to express your feelings towards him. If you are confused that what type of birthday wishes you should send him which can also express your feelings. Then, you do not need to worry about it. Because we are here for your help.
In this article, we are listing here the birthday message for a son. We assure you that you would love to share these messages with your son. These messages will prove to be the best to say “happy birthday my son”. So, without wasting any second, just select the best one from the below list and send it to him.
Happy Birthday Messages for Son:
Happy Birthday son! I hope that you will always be happy, healthy, and a blessing to everyone around you. Lots of hugs, mummy.
Dear son, everyday I am grateful for you. You are a bundle of joy that brings nothing but happiness to our lives.
Happy Birthday son, no matter how old you are, you are always mummy’s little boy. I can’t believe how fast the years have gone by. All the best for your future endeavours, I’m sure you will rock your socks!
I am grateful for all that you have done for this family and wish you nothing but even more success and greatness to come your way.
Everyday my heart is filled with love for you. You have made me such a proud mum, I’m so glad to call you my son and I’m sure everyone else is glad to have you in their lives too.
I am grateful every day that you came into my world. Your smiles and laughter are a balm to my heart. You have brought nothing but happiness into my life. Happy birthday, son!
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to feel such an all-encompassing love. You fill my days with warmth, wonder, and joy. I hope your birthday is filled with the same.
When times are tough, all it takes are thoughts of you to pull me through. Your hugs and kisses nourish my soul, and I’m so grateful that I have a son as precious as you.
When you were born, I couldn’t even fathom how much you’d come to mean to me. You are my everything. May your special day be filled with untold splendor. Happy birthday!
I hope that this year your birthday is just the beginning of an unforgettable journey that will lead you to an even more amazing future. Remember always to continue to wish and dream.
If I look back at everything I’ve done in life, you’re easily the best thing I’ve ever created. It’s honestly a miracle that I was able to have a son as delightful and genuine as you.
I have such sweet memories of you as a child, but I have faith that your future will hold even sweeter ones. I hope your cake is half as sweet as you are. Happy birthday, son!
This year on your birthday I am so grateful that you’ve grown into such a bright and capable young man. It is such a comfort to know that whatever life throws your way you will always be able to handle it.
On your birthday I wish that I could stop time. Not only to keep you with me forever but so that I can stop feeling so old! Happy birthday to my son who at least makes me feel young at heart.
My joy in having you as my son is something that can’t be measured. It can only be felt through lots of hugs, kisses, and adoration. I’m so happy I was blessed with a son as astounding as you.
Since the day you were born you have brought nothing but meaning and joy into my life. You are a fantastic son, and I feel so fortunate to be your parent. Happy birthday!
Know that whatever you choose to do in life I will forever be proud of you. I am especially proud this year on your birthday that you are becoming a smart, kind, and thoughtful young man.
Being a parent is never an easy task, but loving a son as precious as you are is never difficult. You bring endless wonder and love into my life. Happy birthday my son!
Know that when I scold you, it’s only because I care, and when I hug you, it’s always because I love you to pieces. I wish for only the best in life for you, and may your birthday be filled with lots of presents and laughter.
I hope you always head in the direction of success, my son, and whether it be in life or love, I hope that all your dreams and ambitions come true. Happy birthday!
So, these were some of the birthday msg for a son to make his day special and wonderful. These happy bday messages to my son will surely make him smile and help him to forget all his worries. These are meaningful birthday messages that you can share with him. These lines will make your bond strong with him. So, any more delay just picks the best one and send it to him.
Birthday Messages for My Son:
When you were conceived, I couldn’t imagine how on earth I would manage being a parent. Now I can’t imagine not being one. It’s all because I have a son as remarkable as you.
You have always wanted us to treat you as an adult, so we decided to grant your wish this birthday. The cleaning and chores are all yours this year. You’re welcome!
Have a happy and healthy birthday my dear son! Hope your day is as wonderful as you are.
We may not be perfect parents but we are lucky to have a perfect son. Happy birthday son!
Happy birthday my precious son! You are loved, today, tomorrow and always.
You make each year brighter and you continue to illuminate our lives with your smile and your kind heart. Happy birthday my son!
Your birthday brings happy memories and a reminder of how you continue to bring joy to our lives. Happy birthday wishes for my son!
You will always be my sunshine, my little angel. Your mother loves you so much! Happy birthday son from mom!
Every day I thank God for giving me an incredible child. I am so proud of you. Best birthday wishes for my son!
Thank you for being such a great son. I am truly proud of you. Happy birthday!
You are a treasure from above, who brings me so much joy and love. Happy birthday son!You are my pride and joy, a man after my own heart. Happy birthday son!
Every day you find a way to bring a smile to my face and happiness to my heart. Happy birthday my dearest son!
My love and adoration for you is endless, you will be forever cherished. Happy birthday my son!
Happy Birthday, Son! We’ve watched you grow into an amazing man. May the year ahead continue to exceed your expectations!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON! Son, you might be a year older, but you are also a year wiser.
Happy Birthday To My Wonderful Son. No matter how big you get or how far you go, I’ll always be here, right beside you.
Happy Birthday. Son, my birthday wish for you is that each year brings you: more wisdom; more dreams; more laughter; and more wishes.
Son Happy Birthday. The road ahead of you holds endless possibilities!
Happy Birthday To My Incredible Son. You are the light in my life, who lifts me up everyday!
Happy Birthday. Sending my wonderful son a hug, lots of love, and wishing you loads of fun!
So, these were some of the best and amazing birthday messages that you would love to share with your son. You can show your love and care towards your son, with the help of these messages. These messages are the best to make his day special. You can use these messages to make birthday cards for your son. We assure you that he will be happy after receiving these kinds of wishes from your side.
Birthday Message for Son from Mother:
Happy Birthday to the best son ever! You’re totally rad and you know it! Go celebrate. Have all the fun; and remember-we love you so much!
Happy Birthday Son. May you always know joy. May you always choose hope. May you always feel loved no matter where in this great, big, beautiful world you roam.
Happy Birthday To My Wonderful Son. With every passing year, I grow more and more amazed by the man you’ve become. You are a joy to my life and so many others. Enjoy today to the fullest.
Happy Birthday To My Amazing Son. It’s always a good time with you! You’ve made me laugh a million laughs. May your birthday be full of fun-just like you!
To My Dear Son Happy Birthday. You came into my life with a bang and nothing has ever been the same! I can’t imagine life without you, and am so proud and blessed to call you my son and my friend.
Happy Birthday. To My Fantastic Son! Throughout the years you have made me so proud of who you have become. Thank you for being so wonderful. Have a great birthday!
Wish you a very happy returns of the day My boy. God bless you.
You are a very important part of my life son. Wish you many happy returns of the day boy.
I am so proud of you. And I even feel more proud to call you my boy. Happy birthday, son. God bless you!
You are the most precious gem I will ever have in my life son. Really. Happiest birthday son.
So, you have visited some birthday wishes for a son from mother. These messages will surely impress him. On his special day, send him your blessings through these birthday messages. So, share these messages with him and let him know how much he means to you. We are damn sure that these messages will melt his heart. So, without more delay, just pick the best one and send it.
Birthday Message for Son from Father:
I never knew the meaning of responsibility unless I hold you for the first time in my life. You mean so much to me boy. Happiest birthday to you.
I love you. And you know it. And I am proud of you too. Happy birthday my lovely son.
Happy birthday, boy. By watching you I always feel like I’m still a child because I see myself in you. Love you, my boy,
I know I don’t always say this but I love you, my child. Happiest birthday ever son!
Oh, see the boy who I used to hold in my hands is handling so much responsibility in his hand. +Proud of your son. Wishing you many happy returns of the day.
You are my world, my son. And I’m proud to be a father to a child like you. Wishing you the happiest birthday son!
“Dear son, today is your big day! I feel so blessed and lucky to have you as my child. Happy birthday!”
“Happy birthday, son! We’ve watched you grow into an amazing man. May the year ahead continue to exceed your expectations!”
“Unending love, undivided attention, eternal pampering, everlasting affection, and endless care. These are the things that we can do for you, our dear son. Stay happy and have a happy birthday!”
“You are a wonderful person and deserve a wonderful life. We are always there for you, my son. Wish you a very happy birthday.”
So, these were the birthday messages to the son from a father. These messages will show your love and care towards him. You can make this day unforgettable by sharing these lines with him. You may share these lines via a simple SMS or through various social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram.
So, this was the best collection of birthday messages that you can send to your son. We hope this collection would prove to be helpful for you to wish your lovely son in the best way. You can add some of your own words to give these messages your personal touch. You may use these lines to put a Whatsapp status, Facebook status, and Instagram story. So, just pick your favorite line that matches your sentiments and send it.
Hope you and your son liked our collection. For more on this kind of stuff stay connected with us but do not forget to bookmark this page.