{100} Best Happy Birthday Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Status for Brother
A Brother is like our best friend who always takes care of us, and we can share everything with him. An elder brother always inspires and motivates us. He is always there to teach you and make you learn from your mistakes. Whereas, younger brother always makes you laugh. He acts like a kid or a baby in your family. It’s time to show them your gratitude and make their birthday memorable by sending them birthday wishes and greetings as your thoughts. You can make him happy by sending him a happy birthday message for brother and a birthday SMS. So, here are some birthday wishes for your younger and elder brother as well which can make the day better.
Birthday Wishes for Brother:
Here are some birthday wishes for a brother from a sister which can make any brother feel special on his birthday. There are few funny b.day msgs and wishes too. So, you can use these funny birthday wishes for the younger brother to make him laugh and this can change his day. So, let’s see some happy birthday msgs:
You are my Bro, you are my everything … Happy Birthday brother!
May every day of ur life be blessed with rays of hope, luv, and sunshine.
My pen was always urs and so were my pants, Happy Birthday to you brother.
You r such a great role model for every brother in the world because you are so loving, caring, protective, and supportive. I wish u, the best brother in the universe, a very happy birthday !!
U are my brother, my frnd and the best person in my life! Happy Birthday, I love u!
You are the best human, who has been created by our mom and dad. You’re the best, happy birthday!
Life offers us so many blessings nd a brother is one of them. Happy birthday!
Wishing my brother a very happy birthday, it is a special day not just for you but for both of us. Enjoy the day.
Though even the sun will 1 day run out of fuel, my love for you shall last forever. Happy Birthday, dear brother.
Enjoy ur birthday big bro! May u have a wonderful day. You deserve it anyway.
Happy Birthday to my big brother who defines magnanimity and generosity.
May ur coming year surprise you with the happiness of smiles, the feeling of luv and so on. I hope u will find plenty of sweet memories to cherish forever. Happy birthday little brother.
You might have covered long distances to become who u are, but you’re never out of ideas for new trips. Happy Birthday, bro!
Happy Birthday, dear brother! Your footsteps r the only footsteps, I want to follow.
A brother is someone who is sweet and supportive, kind and loving, cheerful and inspiring. A friend and my all-time laughter. Happy birthday bro!!
Protecting the little sister from worries and strangers are his duties. He will act like he does not care but he always do nd always will. Happy birthday, brother.
Go ahead & celebrate ur birthday. I am sure that the response will be overwhelming!
On this special day, I pray that God blesses you with every good thing, with love, with luck, and with joy.
May the Almighty God bless you on your big day today and on all the days of your precious life. Thank u for being such a wonderful brother to me for all my life.
Thank you for that watch which you never asked back, and while I am at it – Happy Birthday!
Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother:
You may be waiting for a special day to show your affection and love for your older brother and that special day can be his birthday. So, you can choose these funny messages to make him laugh. These birthday sayings or lines will help you to show him your thoughts and feelings. It will also increase your love for each other. So, send these lovely blessings on his b.day:
Happy birthday my small brother. You are not only the most wonderful brother in the world, but also the best friend of mine.
May God bless you with gift of joy, luck and wealth on this birthday of yours and may you be the happiest! Happy birthday brother!
As u get ready to face yet another birthday, remember that this is our time to party! Can’t wait to get out tonight and celebrate!
Happy birthday to you bro. You are the most optimistic person that I know, do not ever change.
Frnds are rare and brothers are common, but a brother that is a friend is a treasure. Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday to the loving brother that has caused mayhem since he was born.
You are nt just my brother, but you are my inspiration, my idol and someone I trust blindly. Be blessed my brother. Happy birthday!
I feel that u are getting further away from me but I trust you, wonderful bday to you brother.
Happy birthday to the only brother in the universe who isn’t a mean son of a (the other kind of witch)!
Have an incredible birthday. Remember that brothers only get older (not better) with age.
Little Brother, I remember all the times we played and fought, then play and fought some more. I love you always for making my life so interesting.
Thanks for being my brother. I luk so much better in all those family photos with u there. Happy Birthday.
I pray to the almighty God to always give you the best in life beginning from this special day of ur life; I jst want to say happy birthday!
Although I was given no choice in the matter, I have always wanted you as my brother. Happy Birthday.
To the best man in the wrld, my brother. Wishing u a happy birthday.
To my cute and lovely little brother, here comes the most special wishes from the most lucky sister. I know u are growing one year older on this special day, but u will always be the stupid little brother for me. Have a great and wonderful birthday
I hope ur special day will bring you lots of happiness, love, and fun. You deserve them a lot. Enjoy!
You are always there for me. You are a good friend. You are a good brother. Thank u for everything. Happy birthday brother!
Thanks for being the soundtrack on my reality show. Happy Birthday.
Have a magical birthday, brother!.
Birthday Wishes for Brother in Hindi:
Saying Happy Birthday to my Brother in Hindi will be a better option if you want to give a personal touch to your wish with heart-touching emotion. If you are living in India where people speak Hindi more than English, then you should definitely send your brother wishes in Hindi only, and to make your task easy, we have some best wishes here in Hindi. Let’s have a look:
रिश्ता हम भाई बहन का,
कभी मीठा कभी खट्टा,
कभी रूठना कभी मनना,
आज हैं जन्मदिन भाई तुम्हारा,
तो लाना बड़ा सा केक,
एक साथ मनायेगे खुशियों का दिन ये हमारा….
हो पूरी दिल की हर ख्वाहिश तुम्हारी,
और मिले खुशियों का जहान तुम्हे,
अगर आज तुम मांगो आसमान का एक तारा,
तो भगवान दे दे सारा आसमान तुझे!
ऐसी क्या दुआ दूँ भाई, जो आपके लम्हों पर ख़ुशी के फूल खिला दे;
बस ये दुआ है मेरी,सितारों सी रौशनी खुदा आपकी तकदीर बना दे..! जन्मदिन मुबारक हो भाई
आसमान की बुलंदियों पर नाम हो आपका भाई,
चाँद की धरती पर मुकाम हो आपका भाई,
हम तो रहते है छोटी सी दुनिया में,
पर खुदा करे सारे जहान पर राज हो आपको मेरे भाई…! Happy Birthday Bhaiyya!
हर राह आसन हो,
हर राह पे खुशिया हो,
हर दिन ख़ूबसूरत हो,
ऐसा ही पूरा जीवन हो,
यही हर दिन मेरी दुआ हो,
ऐसा ही तुम्हारा हर जन्मदिन हो….!!
फूलों ने अमृत का जाम भेजा है,
सूरज ने गगन से सलाम भेजा है,
मुबारक हो आपको नया जन्मदिन,
तहे-दिल से हमने ये पैगाम भेजा है…
जन्मदिन तुम्हे मुबारक हो..
हर दिन युही खुस रहो…
खुशियाँ और तरक्की तुम्हारे साथ हो…
हर साल जन्मदिन मानते रहो…
बार बार यह दिन आए,
बार बार यह दिल गाये,
तू जिए हजारो साल,
येही है मेरी आरज़ू..
!!!!….जन्मदिन की खूब शुभकामनाये….!!!
ज़िंदगी की कुछ खास दुआए लेलो हमसे
जन्मदिन पर कुछ नजराने ले लो हमसे
भर दे रंग जो तेरे जीवन के पलो में…..
आज वो हसी मुबारक बाद ले लो हमसे
पल-पल इंतज़ार करते हैं जन्मदिन के लिए;
वो दिन भी आयेगा तो पल दो पल के लिए;
गुजारिश हमारी है उस घड़ी से;
वो पल जल्द से लाये दिन भर के लिए।
**** हैप्पी बर्थ डे भाई ****
Birthday है आपका,
देते हैं हम यह दुआ,
एक बार जो मिल जाएं हम,
होंगे ना कभी जुदा,
जान लूटा देंगे तुझपे,
है यह अपना इरादा,
साथ देंगे जीवनभर का,
है यह हमारा वादा…
**** हैप्पी बर्थ डे भाई ****
ख्वाहिशों के समंदर के सब मोती तेरे नसीब हो;
तेरे चाहने वाले हमसफ़र तेरे हरदम करीब हों;
कुछ यूँ उतरे तेरे लिए रहमतों का मौसम;
कि तेरी हर दुआ, हर ख्वाहिश कबूल हो।
********* जन्मदिन की बधाई ********
दुआ है की कामयाबी के हर शिखर पर आप का नाम होगा,
आपके हर कदम पे दुनिया का सलाम होगा,
हिम्मत से मुश्किलों का सामना करना मेरे भाई,
हमारी दुआ है की वक़्त भी एक दिन आपका गुलाम होगा!!
**** हैप्पी बर्थ डे भाई ****
हर बार तुम्हारे जन्मदिन पर पुरानी यादों के
चिराग रोशन हो जाते हैं।
यादों के जुगनू पलकों की कोर में टिमटिमाने लगते हैं।
आओ तुम्हारे इस जन्म दिन पर फिर से रोशन करें
यादों के उन चिरागों को।
**** हैप्पी बर्थ डे भाई ****
भाई से बेहतर कोई दोस्त नहीं है, और आपसे कोई बेहतर भाई नहीं है। भैया जन्मदिन, की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं!
गुल को प्यारा गुलशन मुबारक,
शायर को शायरी मुबारक,
चाँद को चाँदनी हो मुबारक,
आशिक़ को उसको उनका प्यार मुबारक,
हमारी तरफ से आप को भाई, आपको आपका जन्मदिन मुबारक।
तमन्नाओ से भरी हो आपकी जिंदगी,
ख्वाहिशों से भरा हर पल,
दामन भी छोटा लगने लगे,
इतनी खुशिया दे आपको ये नया आने वाला कल!!
जन्मदिन मुबारक।
गगन में हो इतने तारे की आसमान दिखाई ना दे,
आपकी ज़िंदगी में हो इतनी खुशियाँ की गम दिखाई ना दे.
जनमदिन की शुभकामनायें भाई
जिंदगी का जो सबक तुमने मुझे सिखाया, वह किताबों 📚 में भी न था ।
माँ और पापा के बाद तुम्ही थे जिसने हर सफर पर मेरा हाथ थामे रखा ।😢
मेरी जिंदगी में तुम्हारे जैसा दूसरा कोई नहीं ।🙂 🙏
आपके जन्मदिन पर दुआ है मेरी कि सलामत रहो तुम सारी जिंदगी…🙏
🎂🍫🍬हेप्पी बर्थडे भैया…🎂🍫🍬
सब से अलग हैं मेरा भैया,😚
सब से प्यारा है मेरा भैया,😘
कौन कहता हैं – खुशियाँ ही सब होती हैं जहाँ में,
मेरे लिए तो खुशियों से भी अनमोल हैं मेरा भैया…😘😘
जन्मदिन मुबारक हो भैया….🎂🍫🍬
Birthday Message for Brother:
If you love your brother very much, then you should celebrate his birthday with lots of balloons, cakes, candles, lights, etc. You should also invite his friends to the party. He will surely love this. You may also prepare a card to gift him during birthday celebrations, and on that card, you may write any sweet message for the brother to let him realize you love him very much. If you don’t know what to write as a happy birthday message for brother, then look at the list below:
Superheroes are one in a million. Great brothers like you are one in a lifetime. Happy Birthday!
You are more than just a brother, you’re also my best friend and someone I know I can count on to be there for me in good times and bad. Thanks for always having my back. Happy Birthday!
I am going to request my bank for a bigger locker so I can stow away my biggest asset – which is U. Happy birthday bro.
Happy birthday, dear brother! May this year bring the most wonderful things into ur life, you truly deserve it!
I should call you Broogle because you help me to solve all the problems to which I can’t find answers in Google. Happy birthday bro.
Another birthday. Another year under your belt. Let me know when you can see the buckle. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to my brother and best frnd, the only guy I can depend on to get me in and out of trouble.
Sending u warm birthday wishes along with your favourite red velvet cake! This year u can gobble the entire cake but next time, be ready to share it with me! Happy birthday brother.
Whenever I call u my brother I feel so proud of myself because I have the best man of the world as my dearest brother. U are the reason for whatever I have done till today. I am achieved a lot in my life and that is all because of your mental support. Have a luvly birthday brother. Take care.
I would never change the fact that my adviser, my partner in crime and my most loyal friend is actually my brother. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the most swt and best brother in the universe. Thanks for being with me and sharing my feelings. We have built so many memories since childhood days. Happy birthday bro!!!
Your simple words could bring a big smile to my face. I’m really thankful to GOD fr giving me such a luving brother.
You are the mst amazing and inspiring person that I have ever met. Thank you for your guidance and support in my life. Hve a joyful and unforgettable day!
Dear brother, it is not only clothes and properties that people share together, they also share love, peace and harmony. I am indeed pleased to share this wonderful message with you—happy birthday my love!
You are a great guy; there is no need to doubt or be dismayed. You have so many unique qualities that make you the special person you are. Don’t worry about others who are jealous of your shining star.
They say you can choose your friends but not your family. I just want you to know that if we weren’t already brothers I would choose to be friends with you in a heartbeat! I’m so lucky to have a brother like you! Happy Birthday!
Thank you for my great childhood memories. Here’s to many more memories to come. Happy Birthday to the world’s greatest brother!
I’m happy to see the young man you have become today. I still remember all the favours u conveniently forgot to repay. But just because you never paid, does not mean our bond will ever fade.
Happy birthday to my special brother! Your presence in my life makes it much more joyful and colourful! Wishing you all the most precious things that life cn bring!
I wish you a very happy birthday with all the love from the deepest corners of my heart. You are the bst brother one could ever dream of. Happy Birthday.
Birthday Quotes for Brother:
If you haven’t selected any bday wish, then look at this list of happy birthday brother quotes. These bday quotes for brother are different from the above. Some of these are funny, and some are formal. You will find that funny birthday quotes for brother will make him laugh. So, what you are waiting for? Go through these happy birthday bro quotes:
Get used to the volume of birthday wishes, every year they are bound to lessen more and more! Happy Birthday to my overly popular brother!
The warmest wishes on your special day, bro! The moments that we shared are so precious to me. I hope v will have lots of them in the future as well!
Who needs friends when I hve a cool brother like u? We totally rock bro! Huge party due! Happy birthday!
Dear brother, u have always been a true friend to me. I hope this will never change. Wishing u all the best on your special day!
Brothers are what best friends can never be. Happy birthday to one such bro.
You have been everything I could ever ask for, and nothing I wouldn’t want in a brother. Happy birthday.
Thank you for being an excellent friend and the most caring brother to me. Happy bday!
Thank you brother fr all the memories of our childhood days. Without you the world would have been colourless to me.
It‘s a great blessing to hve such a loving and understanding brother like you. I love you and wish you a brilliant birthday!!
Thank u for being there for me all this while, I appreciate you for everything you have done in my life; happy birthday to you!
Birthday Status for Brother:
You can also put these happy birthday wishes for your brother on Facebook or WhatsApp as status. This is trending now. Nowadays, every one of us is putting the status on social media to wish our friends, relatives, family members, etc. on their bday, promotion, events, etc. So, you should also try this at once. Just add a happy birthday brother status on Facebook or WhatsApp with an excellent caption. Add a photo of your brother with you along with the caption. Here are some caption ideas:
Happy birthday to our parent’s second favuorite child. I wish you the best on ur special day.
I could never choose and I never would to have anyone as my brother except you. Happy birthday brother!.
Having A Younger Brother Like You Is Like Opening A Present Every Day Wish You A Birthday Filled With Joy, Dreams And Love
I have always looked up to u. You are the best brother in the whole world and my ideal. Happy Birthday, May u have a lot more.
You are another year older, a handsome young man for all to see. Please understand and never forget; none of ur girlfriends will ever be as pretty as me.
Birthdays are full of wishes, surprises, and smiles. I hope u had your fill because that’s all you’ll get frm me for a while.
Having A Younger Brother Like u Is Like Opening A Present Every Day Wish You A Birthday Filled With Joy, Dreams And Luv
Happy birthday 2 my special brother! Ur presence in my life makes it much more joyful and colourful! Wishing you all the most precious things that life can bring!
Dear Brother, No matter how much I hate you, I will always love you. Happy birthday!
You have the most beautiful of hearts and the wisest of minds and it is my honor to have u as my brother. Happy birthday!
Birthday is one of the special days for everyone. It does not matter whether he is your elder or younger brother, sending birthday wishes to your dear brother is a great way to express your love and gratitude towards him. Make him feel loved and special. Thank him for everything he has done for you till now by sending awesome happy birthday brother messages. Those birthday wishes are said to be the best that can express your true love and affection. So, on your brother’s birthday, make him feel special by sending some heart touching messages to show him how much his sister/brother loves him.