{100+} Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Status
Guru Gobind Singh was born in Patna on 22 December 1666. His birth name was Guru Gobind rai. He was not only the 10th guru of Sikhs but a poet as well. He was the one who gave the warrior community, Khalsa, a new surname, Singh. After becoming the sixth Khalsa, he changed his name from Gobind Rai to Guru Gobind Singh. Guru Gobind Jayanti falls on 2 January. And so, on the auspicious occasion of Guru Govind Singh Jayanti, we have listed inspirational quotes that will help you to inspire your loved ones.
So, spread positivity by sharing our guru Gobind Singh birthday quotes. You can send these guru Gobind Singh Ji birthday quotes to your son, daughter, sister, and brother which will help to motivate them. You can scroll down to check more collection of Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti greetings and Guru Gobind Singh birthday wishes that you can send to your parents, boss, and friends and spread positivity and his ideological bravery. Let’s celebrate and recall some of his spiritual quotes.
Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti Wishes:
“The lord can never be established nor created; the formless one is limitlessly complete in Himself. Death would not be called bad, O people, if one knew how to truly die.”
“Donate a tenth of your earnings.”
“Dwell in peace in the home of your own being, and the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you.”
“Fruitful is the entire life of those, who feel hunger for the Name of the Lord in their minds.”
“The greatest comforts and lasting peace are obtained, when one eradicates selfishness from within.”
“He who regards all men as equals is religious.”
“I tell the truth; listen everyone. Only those who have Loved, will realise the Lord.”
“Do as much possible to serve and aid foreigners, those in need, or in trouble.”04/11On the idea of God
“God is one, but he has innumerable forms. He is the creator of all and He himself takes the human form.”
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji inspire you to achieve all your goals and may his blessings be there in whatever you do.”
Aap Sab Parivar NuDhan Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji De Prakash Utsav DianLakh Lakh Wadhaiyan Hovan Ji”
He founded the Khalsa Vani – “Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji ki Fateh”. (Photo: Getty/ Thinkstock, Designed by Rajan Sharma)*On This Auspicious Occasion Of The Birthday Of Sh. Guru Gobind Singh Ji, I Wish To Convey you All My Heartiest wishes.Happy Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti.”
*May Guru Gobind Singh Ji bless you and your family with joy, peace and happiness for eternity; may he inspire us to be a better human being. Happy Gurpurab.”
He fought 13 battles against Mughal Empire and the king of Siwalik hills.
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji give you the courage and strength to fight the evil and always stand by the side of truth.Wishing you a very happy Gurpurab!”
Celebrate Gurpurab With your loved ones, Friends & Family, & Enjoy Guru Gobind Singh Ji’S Divine Love & Blessings…Happy Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti”
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji give you the courage and strength to fight the evil and always stand by the side of truth. Wishing you a very happy Gurpurab!
Blessings of your teachers and almighty cannot be taken for granted.These are only with you until you do good deeds – Guru Gobind Singh.Gurpurab Di Lakh Lakh Wadhai.
It is only by the benevolence of people around you that you have an entity called ‘You’ – Guru Gobind Singh.Guru Gobind Singh Ji de Parkash Parb Di Wadhai.
“Fruitful is the entire life of those, who feel hunger for the Name of the Lord in their minds.” – Guru Gobind Singh
“Dwell in peace in the home of your own being, and the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you.” – Guru Gobind Singh
“Do as much possible to serve and aid foreigners, those in need, or in trouble.” – Guru Gobind Singh
Let us All Celebrate Janam Divas,Prakash Utsav Divas of Shri Guru Gobind Singh JiHappy Gurpurab..!!Wishing you and your family a very happy & prosperousGuru Gobind Singh Birthday !!!May the teaching of the gurureflect goodness and compassion in youand bring into your life,the glow of happiness & prosperity.Guru Gobind Singh MessagesHope the blessings of the Guru be with you.
On this auspicious occasion of the birthday of Guru Gobind Singh Ji,I wish to convey you all my heartiest congratulations !! Happy Guru Gobind Singh Birthday…!!Guru Gobind Singh MessagesMay his spiritual blessing illuminate your way. Gurupurab Di Vadhaiyaan!
May Wahe Guru Shower his blessings on you!Happy Guru Gobind Singh Birthday…!Waheguru Ji Da Khalsa…….Waheguru Ji Di Fateh…….A Happy Guru Gobind Singh Birthday..!!Jagat jalenda Rakh Lai Apni kirpa Dhaar !Happy Gurupurab ji
“The ignorant person is totally the blind he does not appreciate the value of the jewel.”
“In egotism, one is assailed by fear, he passes his life totally troubled by fear.”
“It is nearly impossible to be here now when you think there is somewhere else to be.”
“Egotism is such a terrible disease, iin the love of duality, they do their deeds.”
So, these were the best guru Gobind Singh Ji birthday wishes that you can send to your loved ones like husband, wife, girlfriend(GF), and boyfriend(BF) and spread a devotional feeling among them. so, what are you waiting for just pick the best one and send it to your close ones.
Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti Messages:
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji bless you and your family with joy, peace, and happiness for eternity; may he inspire us to be a better human being. Happy Gurpurab.”
He alone is a man who keeps his word: Not that he has one thing in the heart, and another on the tongue.
May his spiritual blessing illuminate your way. Gurupurab Di Wadhaiyaan!
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji inspire you to achieve all your goals and may his blessings be there in whatever you do.
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji bless you and your family with joy, peace and happiness for eternity; may he inspire us to be a better human being. Happy Gurpurab!
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji Give You the Courage and Strength to Fight the Evil and Always Stand by the Side of Truth. Happy Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti.
Dwell in peace in the home of your own being, and the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you. Happy Gurpurab!
The lord can never be established nor created; the formless one is listlessly complete in Himself. Death would not be called bad, O people, if one knew how to truly die. Happy Gurpurab!
All inhabitants of this world have but one common caste – Guru Gobind Singh. Gurpurab Di Lakh Lakh Wadhai.
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji be your guiding star through your life and may he shower blessings on you this Gurpurab.
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji bless you and your family with joy, peace and happiness for eternity; may he inspire us to be a better human being. Happy Gurpurab.
He alone is a man who keeps his word, Not that he has one thing in the heart, and another on the tongue.
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji give you the courage and strength to fight the evil and always stand by the side of truth. Wishing you a very happy Gurpurab!
Egotism is such a terrible disease, he dies, to be reincarnated he continues coming and going.
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji inspire you to achieve all your goals and may his blessings be with you in whatever you do. Hearty wishes of Gurpurab to you!
“He is the creator of all and He himself takes the human form.” – Guru Gobind Singh
“The greatest comforts and lasting peace are obtained, when one eradicates selfishness from within.” – Guru Gobind Singh
“Egotism is such a terrible disease, iin the love of duality, they do their deeds.” – Guru Gobind Singh
“The greatest comforts and lasting peace are obtained,when one eradicates selfishness from within.” – Guru Gobind Singh
“He who regards all men as equals is religious.” – Guru Gobind Singh
“The greatest comforts and lasting peace are obtained,when one eradicates selfishness from within.”
“He who regards all men as equal is religious.”
“May the teachings of Guruji bring wisdom and compassion in all the fellow beings. Let’s make our land a happy and peaceful place to live.”
“May Guru Gobind Singh Ji inspire you to achieve all your goals and may his blessings be there in whatever you do.”
“May Guru Gobind Singh Ji inspire you to achieve all your goals and may his blessings be there in whatever you do”Dwell in peace in the home of your own being, and the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you. Happy Gurpurab!
As a Sikh you cannot forgot the option of doing well for society at large. Do well, even if it takes your life away. Happy Gurpurab!
God is one, but he has innumerable forms. He is the creator of all and He himself takes the human form. Happy Gurpurab!
Jagat jalenda Rakh Lai Apni kirpa Dhaar! Happy Gurupurab ji!
On my mind, keep the thoughts of True Lord
forever inside you and feel the bliss of peace..Happy Gurpurab…!!
May The Name Of WaheGuru Be Enshrined In Your Heart. May Guru Ji’ s Divine Love and Blessings be with you Always. HAPPY GURPURAB !!
Spread positivity and devotional feelings everywhere by sharing these awesome lines on various social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. You can send these enlightening wishes through messages to your close ones and shower them with your affection. These messages will help you to convey your devotional feelings towards your respected mother and father. So, lets celebrate the happy birthday of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and recall some of his spiritual quotes.
Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti Quotes:
The lord can never be established nor created; the formless one is listlessly complete in Himself. Death would not be called bad, O people, if one knew how to truly die. Happy Gurpurab!
Blessings of your teachers and almighty cannot be taken for granted. These are only with you until you do good deeds – Guru Gobind Singh. Gurpurab Di Lakh Lakh Wadhai.
Egotism is such a terrible disease, he dies, to be reincarnated he continues coming and going. Happy Gurpurab!
When you erase the ego within you, only then will you be able to achieve true happiness. Happy Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti
Dwell in peace in the home of your own being, and the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you. Happy Gurpurab!
Celebrate Gurpurab with your loved ones, friends, and family, And enjoy Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s divine love and blessings. Wish U Gurpurab.
May happiness and blessings surround you as We join together to remember the beloved Guru Gobind Singh & Khalsa and Sikhism.
He alone is a man who keeps his word: Not that he has one thing in the heart, and another on the tongue. Happy Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti
May the sacrifices of Guru Gobind Singh Ji instill the love of humanity and respect for different faiths! A very Happy Gurupurab.
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji inspire you to achieve all your goals and may his blessings be with you in whatever you do. Happy Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti!
“He is the only one who keeps His word, Not that He has one thing in the heart, and another in the tongue.” Gugu Gobind Singh Ji
“To meet the Real Heritage, the hunger goes away, the hunger does not go away by wearing the beggar’s clothes.” Gugu Gobind Singh Ji
“Day and night, meditate forever on the Lord.” Gugu Gobind Singh Ji “The Lord Himself reveals the Way, He is the Doer of deeds.” Gugu Gobind Singh Ji
“I fall at the feet of those who meditate on the Truth of the True.” Happy Guru Gobind Singh Wishes
“Without a name, there is no peace.” Gugu Gobind Singh Ji “He who considers everyone equal is a believer.” Gugu Gobind Singh Ji
“Blessed is the Sikh of Gugu, who walks at the feet of the True Heritage. Blessed is the Sikh of Gugu, who, with his mouth, calls out the Name of the Lord. ”Gugu Gobind Singh Ji
The greatest comforts and everlasting peace are obtained, when selfishness is eradicated from within. Happy Gurpurab.
Have goal and work towards its completion and success. Do not let any hardship, no adversity impact your goal. Happy Gurpurab.
May The Name of WaheGuru, be In Your Heart. May Guruji’s divine love and blessings be with you always. Happy Gurpurab.
May happiness and blessings be in your life as we join together to remember the beloved guru Gobind singh ji. Happy Gurpurab.
So, these were the awesome Guru Gobind Sing Jayanti Quotes we have. These quotes will help you to learn the divine teachings and walk the path shown by Waheguru. So share these divine thoughts with your close ones like husband, wife, girlfriend(GF), and boyfriend(BF). So, let celebrate this day with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm.
Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti Status:
May Waheguru bless you with wisdom and peace. Let’s celebrate his birthday and remember all the great deeds he has done.
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji bless you and your family with joy, peace and happiness for eternity; may he inspire us to be a better human being. Happy Gurpurab.
Wish you all a happy and spiritually fulfilling life. May Guruji bless you with his divine blessings.
May the teachings of Guruji bring wisdom and compassion in all the fellow beings. Let’s make our land a happy and peaceful place to live.
May The Name Of WaheGuru Be Enshrined In Your Heart. May Guru Ji’s Divine Love and Blessings be with you Always. HAPPY Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti “Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti Wishes”
Have a mission and continuously work for its success. Let no frief, no hardship, no adversity. Happy Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti
The greatest comforts and lasting peace are obtained, When one eradicates selfishness from within. Happy Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti
Celebrate Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti with your loved ones, friends and family, And enjoy Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s divine love and blessings.
Satgur Guru Gobind Singh Pargataya Mitti Dhund Jag..Channan Hoia…Aap ji nu Sri Guru Guru Gobind Singh Dev..Ji De aagman Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti dian Lakh-Lakh Vadayian. HAPPY GURPURAB!!
Baazan wale, Kalgidhar pita, Dhan Dhan Shri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji de aagman Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti di sarbat nu lakh lakh vadhai hai ji!
Waho Waho Gobind Singh Aape Gur Chela! Dhan Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib ji te Mata Gujri ji de laal, Sache Patshah, Dashmesh Pita Dhan Shri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji be your guiding star through your life and may he shower blessings on you this Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti.
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji bless you and your family with joy, peace and happiness for eternity; may he inspire us to be a better human being. Happy Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti. “Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti Wishes”
May Guru Bless You & Your Family With Joy, Peace & Happiness…!! Happy Guru Gobind Singh Birthday..!!!
Let us all celebrate janam divas, Prakash utsav divas of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Happy Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti..!!
On this auspicious occasion of the birthday of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, I wish to convey you all my heartiest congratulations !! Happy Guru Gobind Singh Birthday…!!
May The Name Of Wahe Guru Be Enshrined In Your Heart. May Guru Ji’s Divine Love and Blessings be with you Always. HAPPY Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti !!
Have a mission and continuously work for its success. Let no frief, no hardship, no adversity. Happy Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti!!!
May Guru Gobind Singh Ji bless you and your family with joy, peace and happiness for eternity; may he inspire us to be a better human being. Happy Gurpurab!!
Let us all celebrate janam divas, Prakash Utsav divas of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Happy Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti..!!
These were the best Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti status you ever find. By with the help of these statuses you can show your divine thoughts by putting a status on Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp. You can choose the best line to upload a WhatsApp profile pic(DP) which will show your devotional feelings. So, what are you waiting for, spread positivity by sharing these.
This was the best collection of Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti’s wishes and quotes we have. Hope you and your loved ones would love these quotes and wishes. These lines will help make your loved one a believer from an atheist. Do share these devotional lines to spread positivity everywhere.