{80+} Good Night Messages, Quotes, Wishes for Bestfriends
We have many friends but having a true friend is not less than a blessing. A true friend is the one who is always with us no matter what the situation is. He/she give us the courage to fight the problems. A true friend is considered a part of our family. He/She deserves some care and love from your side. So, wishing them a good night is another way of showing love towards them.
For this, we are listing here the best kind of good night friend wishes and messages that you would love to share with your friends. These wishes and messages will prove to be the best to wish someone a good night. So, without wasting your time, just pick the best one and send it to your friends.
Good Night Messages for Friends:
True friendship like ours is worth more than all the wealth in this world. May we never be apart. Good night.
Touch ur heart; Close ur eyes; Make a wish; Say GoodNight; Sky so wide, Stars so bright, Turn off the lights, and say Good Night
Being friends with such a caring person like you is one of the major reasons I am so grateful to be alive. Good night.
This message sends my best greetings and prayers for you, to give you a blissful night ahead…. So Good night from this warm heart.
Close your eyes and think of me, buddy! Tomorrow is going to be so much fun, so you better fall asleep as soon as possible. I will wait for you on the other side of this starry,starry night. Have the best sleep ever!
Today was the best because I got to spend it with you! Smiling as I fall asleep. Sweet dreams!
You are so far away again! It breaks my heart to know that we can’t see each other right now. But I still want to wish you a very calm and peaceful night; may your sleep be full of beautiful dreams.
I could stay up and talk with you until the sun comes up! Thanks for being the best friend I could ever ask for. Good night!
May the sweetest dreams guide you through this night, and your morning be the happiest of all. I love you and miss you, bud. Have a very good night!
Hope you fall asleep and dream of the most wonderful things, only to wake up and find them real. Good night!
I hope that you will be sleeping well tonight, fella. I will do my best to appear in your dreams and make you laugh till your stomach hurts. Have a very good night, bud!
Before you fall asleep, take a moment to feel gratitude for what a great person you are and I’ll do the same. Thanks for being the best! Sweet dreams.
No sleepless night can bother my friend! I will fight every nightmare so you could sleep in peace. Miss you like crazy! Goodnight!
Good night, sleep tight. Now the sun turns out his light. Good night, sleep tight, dream sweet dreams for me, dream sweet dreams for you.
You have the best friend in the world, I hope you fully understand that. Me texting you just to wish you a wonderful calm night is a gift of Gods. Please appreciate it, bud. Goodnight!
I would like to remind you that getting a good amount of sleep is very important, and you should change your sleeping schedule as soon as possible. Go to bed, now! Have a good night, bud.
Let’s cause some trouble in each other’s dreams. I’m pretty sure that I can enter your mind and make your dreams absolutely unforgettable. I will try it today. Just wait and see. Good night my friend!
I’m so glad I have someone to wish a good night before I go to sleep. I can’t wait to see you and share my thoughts with you. May this night bring you a lot of positive energy and peace of mind. Goodnight!
You must be feeling exhausted after a long day of being the best friend ever. Take a rest and forget about everything. You deserved it. May this night bring you the most wonderful dreams.
Close your eyes and think of me, buddy! Tomorrow is going to be so much fun, so you better fall asleep as soon as possible. I will wait for you on the other side of this starry,starry night. Have the best sleep ever!
So, there were some of the best and amazing good night messages for friends that we have collected from all over the internet. These messages are the best to wish your friends a very good night. These messages will make their night sweet. So, without any delay, just pick the best one and send it to them.
Funny Good Night Messages for Friends:
I have no idea how your dreams are made, but I would like to think that I can appear in one of them tonight. I’m sure we will have a lot of laughs as we always do. Anyway, I just wanted to wish you a very good night, buddy. Sleep well.
Did you notice how quite the night is? It freaks me out sometimes. But I know that in the morning we will see each other again, and that makes me feel so much better. Take a rest, buddy. Good night.
You are so far away again! It breaks my heart to know that we can’t see each other right now. But I still want to wish you a very calm and peaceful night; may your sleep be full of beautiful dreams.
You can’t even imagine how much I miss you! I hope that I will see you in my dreams, and you will see me in yours and we can hang out at least somewhere. But for now, have the best night, fella.
Sometimes I miss you so much that I go through our old photos to make this sadness go away, but it makes me even sadder! Life with you is so much better, buddy. Can’t wait to see you again. Goodnight!
May the sweetest dreams guide you through this night, and your morning be the happiest of all. I love you and miss you, bud. Have a very good night!
I’m texting to wish you sweet dreams only. Sleep tight, buddy, and may the great harmony find your heart and mind. See you as soon as possible! Have a good night!
I hope that you will be sleeping well tonight, fella. I will do my best to appear in your dreams and make you laugh till your stomach hurts. Have a very good night, bud!
No sleepless night can bother my friend! I will fight every nightmare so you could sleep in peace. Miss you like crazy! Goodnight!
Good night, sleep tight. I hope that you will sleep well and be energetic in the morning.
Every time you close your eyes and fall asleep, may you have only good dreams. And every time you open your eyes in the morning, may the reality be also great! Good night.
I can’t believe that this long day has come to an end. After all, wishing you to rest and recover. Sleep is necessary for our beauty!
A really good night is when neighbours are calm and their dog is not barking all night long. I wish that nothing could interrupt your precious sleep, until the morning sun shows up. Good night!
Are you ready for a sleep? Don’t hurry and let me wish you sweet dreams. Hug you.
Friend, may your sleep be infused with peaceful thoughts, inspiring dreams, and good health. May the energy of a good night’s rest give rise to great things in the morning, my friend.
As sleep fills your eyes, may your soul release all its burdens to God so that you are free to live a wonderful life. You deserve it, my friend.
As the embers of one day burn out, may the spark of the next one fill you with the anticipation of a new day, friend.
Friend, may the strength of those who have walked your path before influence your dreams as you rest well tonight.
May a good night’s sleep produce energy and inspiration for tomorrow’s goals, precious friend.
My dearest friend, as you sleep tonight, may you be heartened by deep slumber and dreams of the future that revive your spirit.
So, these were the best and amazing good night messages for friends that you would love to share with your friends. These messages will deliver your feelings towards your friends. We are damn sure that he/she will feel love for you when they receive such kind of good night messages from your side. So, choose the best one and send it.
Good Night Quotes for Friends:
My friend, I hope the night transports you to a great beginning tomorrow. Sleep tonight knowing that the future is in God’s hands and he is binding us in friendship with bonds that cannot be broken.
Miles apart, but minds united in friendship and love. That is the perfect description of us.
Think on this as you fall asleep, and know that I am doing the same.
Hope comes in the morning. A good night’s sleep will set you up for a better day tomorrow. Rest well, friend.
I’m just popping in to wish you a wonderful night rest. Do sleep tight. Tomorrow is going to be a great day.
You deserve the sweetest of dreams and the deepest of sleep for being the best-est of friends!
As darkness falls around you and the horror movie begins, tuck yourself in for a good night my friend. Sleep tight.
May the night fill with stars for you. May counting every one, give you contentment!
May the sweetest dreams guide you through this night, and your morning be the happiest of all. I love you and miss you, bud. Have a very good night!
As I look at many stars in the sky, I always reminded of all those reasons I consider you my best friend! Here’s a sweet good night message to my friend.
I wish moon always be full & bright and you always be cool & right. Whenever you go to switch off the light, remember that I’m wishing you …Good Night!
All I want is to wish you is a good night because my friend, you are the very last thought on my mind before I go to sleep!
Boyfriends and girlfriends will come and go, but our friendship will forever radiantly glow. Good night.
All my nightmares turn into sweet dreams whenever I think of you. Your thought gives me peace. Good night, best friend.
Hi dear! I trust you have a great day? Just close and dream of angels. Everything is going to be alright. I’ve got you.
After the nightmare that we experienced at work today, I hope you have a much better night. Get some rest, buddy.
Friend, you make me smile! I hope you are smiling, while you sleep!
I’m texting to wish you sweet dreams only. Sleep tight, buddy, and may the great harmony find your heart and mind. See you as soon as possible! Have a good night!
Being your frnd is one of the wonderful feeling of my life. You are always there in my thoughts. Wishing you a great night. Sleep tight.
Goodnight my friend, pleasant dreams, sleep tight my friend, may tomorrow be sunny & bright and bring you full of happiness& success. Good night & Sweet dreams my friend.
So, these were some good night quotes that you can ever find on the internet. These quotes are the right set of words that will express your feelings towards your friends. These quotes will help you to enhance your friendship bond. So, send these quotes and make them feel that you always stand with them. So, pick the best one and start wishing.
Good Night Wishes for Friends:
Thank you for giving me all your time today. Now your bed is waiting for you. Go now and feel the warmth of her body. Good night!
The memories of our friendship are like the radiance of the moon and the fun times we’ve had together are like the twinkle of the stars that light up my life’s skies. Good night.
I am not scared of nightmares anymore because I have a best friend like you who helps me to fight those nightmares away. I wish you have a good night.
I can never be too busy to forget to wish my best friend a good night. Do have a wonderful rest.
I am so glad to have a friend who is thoughtful, caring, and so much fun to be around. Good night my dear friend.
You are the sweetest person that I know! May you feel at ease, tonight, knowing how great you are!
I hope that you will be sleeping well tonight, fella. I will do my best to appear in your dreams and make you laugh till your stomach hurts. Have a very good night, bud!
I have a heart and that is true. But now it has gone from me to you. So care for it just like I do, because I have no heart and you have two. Good night friend and sweet dreams.
Between a million yesterdays and a million tomorrows, there’s only one today. And I would never let it pass without telling you – I’m thinking of you. Have a good night.
Our friendship is brighter than the moonlight. Because the moon only appears in the night. But our friendship remains 24 hours. Good night buddy.
Sometimes I am goofy, but don’t ever think that I don’t care. No matter what, for you I will always be there. Good night.
It’s almost insane, that out of 7 billion people, you made me your best friend. You have no idea how much peace and happiness you bring into my life. Every night before I sleep, I say a prayer for your life. Have a wonderful night ahead.
They say that too much of everything is bad. However too much of your friendship isn’t. Have a good night, my dear friend.
May the moonlight be soft and the stars twinkle gently for you tonight, my treasured friend.
In the morning, I’m thankful for the new experiences we can share together. In the evening, I’m thankful for the happy memories of our shared experiences that I can reflect on as I fall asleep.
Thank you for everything you did for me today, you are a great person and I value your friendship, have a good night sleep that tomorrow we will have new challenges to face.
I think that it is important to thank people for good things they do for you, that’s why I’m writing this message right now. You do good things every day, and that makes me so extremely happy. Thank you for being you, mate. Have a good peaceful night!
I hold your friendship close! I hope you have a Good Night!
Friend, may you drift off surrounded by thoughts of how much you mean to me.
The biggest gift that a night can give you is not good to sleep, but the promise that your tomorrow holds millions of possibilities. Good night dear friend!!
So, you have just visited some good night wishes that we have collected from all over the internet. You can share your feelings with the help of these wishes. These wishes are not only for wishing good night but also can make your friendship bond even sweeter. So, add more sweetness to your friendship bond by sharing these best wishes with them.
So, this was the best collection of good night wishes, messages, and quotes that you can ever find on the internet. Hope you and your close one would love this awesome collection. You can share these wishes, messages, and quotes that will help you to share your inner feelings towards your friends. You can share these awesome written lines through a simple SMS or via various social media sites such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also use these lines to put a WhatsApp status, Facebook status, and instgram story. So, just pick the best one and send it.
From our side, we wish you and your friends a very good night. If you have another kind of experience then you may share it with us by using the comment section below.