{100} Happy Birthday Wishes, Messages, Quotes for Friends (Best Friend)
Friends are true blessings. They are those special people who make our life worth living. We should take care of these special friends and should also remember the important dates connected to them. If the birthday of your best friend is coming, then you should definitely celebrate it with lots of fun. You should also send him/her birthday wishes. If you send birthday blessings to a friend, he/she will be touched by your love for him. Friends enrich our lives and support us all the time. When you ask them “do my homework math“, they also can spend their own time helping us.
A best friend deserves nothing less than a loving Happy Birthday message that expresses your feelings. Shout out loud – Happy Birthday Friend! When you will say, “Happy Birthday My Friend,” it will bring a broad smile to his face. So, what you are waiting for? Let’s pick the best b.day wish for him:
Birthday Wishes for Best Friend:
If our friendship had been a legal contract, it would be just five words – I’ll Be There For You. Happy birthday.
If Facebook had not been a real thing, mine would have just one friend – Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to the frnd who knows me like no one else does.
Isn’t life ironic? I am celebrating the countdown towards death of the same person without whom I would be unable to live life. Happy birthday.
My best friend – the person with whom I would have definitely made out if she was a guy. Happy Birthday, bestie.
Hope your day is loaded with fun and shared with people who know the fundamentals of fun. Happy Birthday.
You are a true friend, so please don’t change ever! Happy Birthday, and may every wish U have come true!
The birds are singing and the sun is shining. It’s a special day for the special dude (or lady) who brings joy to the world. Happy Birthday, sunshine!
Wishing you a day filled with love, good times, loads of presents and a calorie-bomb birthday cake. Happy Birthday, you wonderful person.
Being friends as long as we have, people have started to say we look like alike. I can think of no greater compliment than to be called your sister (or brother), that’s for sure. Happy birthday to my closest friend!
I’ll be the first to say it, Advance Happy Birthday! I hope my effort is already enough to let you know how special you are to me. Live long and stay healthy.
I have a tradition of greeting special people in advance. Congratulations! You are now on the list of special people in my life. Happy Birthday in Advance.
Your birthday is too special to be celebrated for just one day, so let’s begin the party right away, Happy Birthday my Friend!
Your birthday is a race and I am going to beat everyone else to it. Happy birthday in advance.
I send my best wishes to one of the best persons I know who is like a best friend to me and has given me the best possible times in my life. Here’s raising a toast for your Happy Birthday!
Birthdays come and go, everyone grows up a year every year, and gifts are opened and thrown. But I want that my Birthday wishes stay with U forever. Happy Birthday!
Best wishes to my beloved friend for an amazing year ahead. May the sunshine of happiness always shine above you. May the dove of peace rest over you and live in your home. May the dense forest of love surround you all year round. Happy Birthday.
Gifts can be thrown away, but the wishes of true friends like me will stay with you for the rest of your life. Happy birthday my friend.
Was searching online for something sweet to write on your birthday card until I realized that all I had to do was to look in my heart. Happy birthday to the friend who is also my soul mate.
If we were part of a band, we would call it Fun Direction because hanging out with U is so much fun. Happy birthday.
These birthday wishes for a special friend will help your friendship attain greater heights. Birthday Wishes for friend will be cherished by your friend. A good friendship requires to wish and greet each other on special occasions, and you should wish and greet him with the best birthday wishes which are here for your good friend. Send these wishes or messages to your cute or best friends.
Birthday Greetings for A Friend:
Have you liked or picked any of the wishes yet? If no, then let’s see some more b.day greetings for your best friend:
Don’t ever change because you are just amazing the way you are. Happy Birthday my Hero.
Here, I am wishing happy birthday to the sweetest and coolest person I ever met. Have the happiest birthday.
Wish you will have an extraordinary birthday like the most outstanding you are. Happy birthday, dear.
You are an amazing person in every way. Keep smiling and enjoy this special day.
I was thinking to gift something cool, funny and amazing, then suddenly I remember you already have me in your life.
Don’t think you are getting older; think how classic you are getting by claiming one more year. Happy birthday!
Dear friend… just like how you get pleasantly surprised when you open your birthday gifts, I wish that you get the most awesome surprises as you open up yet another beautiful year in your life. Happy birthday.
Our friendship really tests my limit of tolerance for sweetness, cuteness, and happiness. You are lucky that these are things which I can tolerate in abundance. Happy birthday.
Only I know the importance of having a friend who will shut up when I need someone to listen to my rants and who will angrily rant when I need to shut up. Happy birthday.
Sometimes you ignore me, sometimes you are clingy. Sometimes you are cheerful, sometimes you are gloomy. Sometimes you are fun, sometimes you are happy. Sometimes you are a bore, sometimes you are moody. Despite the ups and downs, our friendship is always carefree. Despite all the drama, you will always be my bestie. Happy birthday.
Do you know what sadness, sorrow, despair, grief, unhappiness, anguish, misery, agony, distress, regret and trouble have in common? They have all been missing since I have had you in my life as my friend. Happy birthday.
I am going to change your name to Oxygen because friends like you are the most important thing I need to survive. Happy birthday, Oxy.
The fact that you decided to be friends with me is the sweetest form of flattery I have ever received. Happy birthday.
The only reason I am not flustered even though I am single is that I have an awesome mate who never lets me feel alone. Happy birthday.
The Hangover trilogy would be put to shame as compared to all the crazy things we have done together as friends. Happy birthday.
Our friendship is a smile machine – I smile when I see you, I frown when I don’t. Happy birthday.
On your birthday I am making a wish. I hope that we can be close friends just as we are right now, even when we are frail, fragile and old. Happy birthday to my real life partner.
You are like a treasure that I would keep in a chest and lose the key so that no one else in the whole world can steal you from me. Happy birthday.
Wikipedia may have answers to all the factual questions in my life but you have answers to all the emotional ones. Happy birthday to a special friend.
When I fight with my mom, I come to you. When I fight with my boyfriend, I come to you. When I fight with my teachers, I come to you. When I fight with my brother, I come to you. Maybe I should send my mom, boyfriend, teacher and brother to you for some personal training so they could stop fighting with me. Happy birthday to my BFF
If you are close to some of your friends, then you should definitely send him the best b.day greeting. A Happy Birthday message for best friend will add love to your friendship. Send these birthday greetings to a friend with a specially crafted message for the personal touch. When you send a Happy Birthday message to a friend, you make him realize how special he is for You and just how special is the friendship. Send some lovely birthday messages and see how the friendship grows into a lifetime relationship. Your friend’s day is made if he/she receives specially written birthday sayings from you.
Funny Birthday Wishes for Friend:
Happy birthday, dear friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed; I’m in need of your car, to have it as mine, can you give it to me as a mark of being a friend indeed?
Happy 45th birthday, my friend. Don’t worry about the increasing wrinkles, you should rather be grateful for your blessings.
There’s one thing that can definitely make you live long and enjoy a long life, and that is ageing. So, don’t be afraid to age, it’s the best prescription for long life! Happy birthday to a wonderful friend.
Needless to ask what you need as a birthday present, dear friend. Since you are obsessed with chocolate, I’ve invited the chocolate company to your birthday, so that you can have over-doze of it. Best birthday wishes to a lovely friend.
Another year has passed and another year which didn’t suck. Happy Birthday.
Have you checked the number of the candle on your birthday cake? You have to blow the entire candle by sniffing. Ha ha ha. Happy Birthday, Candle King!
My only wish for you is that no. of candle decreases, but, the no. of parties and cake increases every year!!
Quickly blow all the candle before the room catches fire. This huge amount of candle on the cake makes the room hotter. Happy Birthday, hottie!!
On your Birthday I have a special wish. Smile while all your teeth are present! Congratulations!
You get an awesome feeling when your loved one wishes you the way you want on your B.day. Happy A hilarious Birthday.
I got something special for you, which both of us love. Wooo! I ate it all on the way.
For your birthday, I wanted to give you something that was both funny and charming, but then I remembered you already have me in your life.
You should be proud of your age. This year you are wiser, smarter and very close to reaping the benefits of senior discounts at restaurants.
Having friends never has been more awesome! You truly are a great person to have around, even when you eat everything on the table. We still love you anyway! Happy birthday!
You see, you should not be ashamed of growing old, not only you get to play the smart guy all the time, but all antiques like you also have great value! Happy birthday old man!
I have prepared your birthday cake and then called the fire department to blow out the candles on your cake.
One more year added now, so it’s better to remain on the ground rather than remaining under that. Wishing you a happy birthday.
People often compare birthdays with boogers because with the increase of its number, people find breathing harder.
No one will stop tonight from eating your favourite, I wish you the happiest birthday ever.
So, you are still younger than the age you will be on the next birthday. Have a special celebration.
Here are some of the funny birthday wishes for your friend that will add humor and fun elements to your friendship. Simply saying Happy Birthday to a great friend in a happy way will bring a smile on his face.
Birthday Messages for Friend:
Every second, every minute, every hour, every day – these are the only times I think about you. Happy birthday my friend.
Best friends like you are parents, teachers and lovers all combined into one magical personality. Happy birthday.
Finding your value in my life would be like finding water in the ocean – it’s always there. Without you, I would be empty. Happy birthday my friend.
Happy birthday my dear friend, may the bright colours paint your life and you be happy forever. Stay blessed.
Happiness begins with your smile and lets your smile change the world Dear. Happy birthday to you. Have fun.
When nothing goes right, “I” go to you. You’re “GO TO” person for me. Happy birthday. Happy birthday to my idiot friend who is still a kid at heart. Lots of happy returns of the day.
Nothing can be as joyous as spending time with you, let today be the best of all so far. Happy Birthday, you are loved.
I feel so lucky to have you as my friend. Hope your birthday is as special as you are. May all of your dreams come true. Thanks for being such a great friend. Happy birthday!
I am looking forward to many more years of friendship and birthdays with you. Have a fantastic birthday!
I want to wish you all the love and happiness in the world, all of which you deserve. Happy birthday my friend!
I am grateful that you are a part of my life. All the best on your birthday!
In good times and bad, I’ll always be by your side. Happy birthday, friend!
Happy, happy birthday! You deserve all the cakes, love, hugs and happiness today. Enjoy your day my friend!
May God shower you with blessings today and always. Happy birthday wishes to my friend!
Happy, healthy, exceptional, rocking birthday to you my friend!
Every step of the way you were there for me. Through thick and thin I’ll always be there for you. Happy birthday!
Thanks for another year of being an awesome friend. Happy birthday dear friend!
I am grateful for your true friendship. Hope your birthday is amazing as you are my best friend!
I wish you love, hope and everlasting joy and happiness. Thank you for being my best friend!
I am so proud to be your best friend. May you have a happy and healthy birthday!
Friends are a true treasure that helps us sail through the oceans of life. Would it not be great for such friends to receive birthday wishes from a close friend on that special day? A bunch of unique birthday wishes for friends is enough to tell your friend that you truly wish the best for him/her. A birthday note for a friend will be cherished by him/her forever. It doesn’t matter whether your friend is a male or a female because we have birthday wishes for your male and female friends as well. Surprise him and let him know your thoughts on his special day with birthday wishes for boy and girlfriend. He/she will surely be delighted. A lovely friend deserves to know how you feel about him/her.
Birthday Quotes for Friend:
Here are some of the Happy Birthday quotes for best friend which will help you a lot in boosting your friendship.
Just like how wine is incomplete without having something on the side to munch, without U my life simply does not pack a punch. Happy birthday to my best friend.
Cheesecakes, tiramisu and gooey tarts – may your life be as sweet as these goodies, is the wish I make with all my heart. Happy birthday.
Thanks for hearing the words I never said, and understanding my mind which no one else has ever read. Happy birthday to my bestie
When you are not around me I feel unlucky. With you by my side, I feel happy and free. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to my best friend! We are such a great team: I am smart, good-looking and talented and you are great at being my friend!
You may be getting older but at least I still look great! Happy birthday best friend!
Never think you are alone, I am always there for all your fixes. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to someone who still waits for his birthday like a child every year. The day is finally here. Have fun.
Happy birthday Your parents must be proud of you. We all love you. Keep working hard.
Your friendship is like oxygen. Cannot live without it. Happy birthday,
Happy birthday idiot, may your day be full of surprises and you cut innumerable
I cannot imagine how cute you would look with all those cake on your face. Happy birthday to you
You may not be the only the only friend I have but you are the only friend I really want and need in my life. Happy birthday.
You are prettier than pink, brighter than yellow – because your personality is a mix of bubbly and mellow. You are hotter than red, cooler than blue – because the reason for all my smiles is no one but a friend like you. Happy birthday.
Our friendship is like the Internet. Sometimes I take its presence for granted but I am lost without it. Happy birthday.
As a metaphor, our beautiful friendship is a cake that I can have and eat it too. Happy birthday.
There are two types of friends. The first type, are the friends whose birthdays are reminded by Facebook. The second type like you, are the friends whose birthdays are reminded by the heart. Happy birthday.
Since there are no expectations in friendship, am I excused from buying you a gift? Happy birthday.
It is a pity your birthday comes only once a year because I love partying with, and giving hugs to friends like you. Happy birthday.
Our friendship is strong like iron but finished with a coat of gold. Iron rusts with time but gold never corrode, plus it shines too. Happy birthday.
Here were some Happy birthday quotes for a best friend. A true friend is very thoughtful, and the best way to show this is by sending some amazing birthday thoughts. A special day is just right to express your feelings with some nice birthday wishes. A special friend deserves special mention, and you can use these Birthday messages for a special friend to give that importance to him. You can use cards, flowers, or just text a wonderful birthday SMS to him. It will make him happier when he will receive the best wishes with quotes from you. The Happy Birthday quotes with wishes for a friend are the best that you need to express your feelings to a true friend.