{100+} Happy Birthday Wishes, Messages & Quotes for Lover / Love
Birthdays are reasons for celebrations. These are occasions when you not only want to live the day to the fullest but also spread cheer, fun and happiness. It’s your day, and you want to be the best and receive the best. Say happy birthday my love to your lover on his special day with our special quotes and messages. A set of these birthday wishes to my love are chosen for your lovely partner. The love notes for your lover on his/her special day can be the best gift from you. A card with some lovely birthday lines can make his/her day amazing. Send lovely wishes for a boyfriend to tell him that his special day is all that matters to you. Send cards, gifts, or flowers with these amazing birthday texts and see her happiness. Send the most romantic birthday SMS for a lover in English. So, let’s start with the birthday wishes for lover:
Happy Birthday Wishes for Lover:
Sweetheart, I treasure you more than I treasure all my possessions, including my life itself. Nothing short of death will ever have the power to keep me from being with you and making you happy all the days of your life.
I wish your birthday is as beautiful and full of love as you are. You deserve only the best, and I wish that for you Best wishes my love.
I love the sparkle in your eyes and the beautiful smile you have when we are together. I want to be by your side to watch you celebrate many more birthdays.
In a garden filled with blooms, you stand out as the most beautiful and most beguiling creation. With you, I feel like I am in heaven all the time. Happy Birthday, my sweetest one.
Tonight, let’s live as if we have no other cares in the world but each other. You deserve a big birthday celebration, and you are going to get it.
Just like the day doesn’t start without the sun, my life doesn’t start without your touch. Thank you for being the best in the world.
I have never met a person as sweet as you in my whole life. Let’s celebrate your sweetness and your Birthday by eating sweet cake and drinking sweet wine!
Did U hear a light tap on your shoulder this midnight? It wasn’t Santa Claus, it was me wishing you a very Happy Birthday!
I love U so much more today than yesterday, but not even a tenth of what I’ll feel tomorrow. Happy birthday, my love!
The easiest thing I ever did was not falling in love with you. It’s been staying in love with you ever since. Happy birthday! I love U.
Happy birthday to a special person who is bringing so much joy to my heart. I am thankful for every moment we spend together, and I wish our happiness never ends.
May this day be as sunny as your smile, and as beautiful as you are. You shine every day, but on this day you will shine the brightest. Happy Birthday.
I have never met a person who is as sweet as you are. On this day, we celebrate your sweetness by eating a sweet cake and drinking some sweet wine.
U make my life worth living. You bring the smile to my face, and your touch shows me how much you love me and care for me. You are my friend and my lover. Happy Birthday.
May your Birthday go super special and happy as you are, darling!
I hope your life gets filled with happiness and joy, as I feel when I am with you. Happy Birthday to my lover.
With every bday that passes makes you hotter and sexier. Happy B.day my hotties.
May your this birthday becomes wonderful, beautiful and full of love… just like U!!
The day you were born was a lucky day for so many people. You enrich my life so much and I love you more than you might know!
I never really thought I’d meet someone like you. All of your days should be as special as your birthday. I want to do whatever I can to make that happen. Happy Birthday Love.
The heavens opened and sent you down for me. I will always remember the way my heart skipped several bits when I first saw you. Happy Birthday. You still light a fire in me in a way that makes me want to be the best person I can be.
In honor of your special birthday, I have named one star after you. It should remain a secret just between us so that every time you look up to the dark skies and see that one star twinkling; you know I’m watching over U.
I hope your special day will bring you lots of happiness, love and fun. You deserve them a lot. Enjoy!
Have a wonderful birthday. I wish your every day to be filled with lots of love, laughter, happiness and the warmth of sunshine.
May your coming year surprise you with the happiness of smiles, the feeling of love and so on. I hope you will find plenty of sweet memories to cherish forever. Happy birthday.
I know I don’t always show it, but you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Let’s make your birthday the very special celebration it should be, and I’ll remind you of just how much you mean to me. I love U.
You are my soul mate, my partner, and most trusted friend. I can’t imagine how my life would be without you. On your birthday, I want to remind you of all the reasons why I love U.
Let’s fall in love again tonight in honor of your special birthday, sweetheart.
The entire world loves a lover. Enjoy the world on your birthday as it enjoys you, lover.
If the sun never shined again and the storms never went away. As long as I still have you I can truly say, I am blessed. Happy birthday, baby.
Loving you gets easier each and every day. Now you have aged once more so with love I shall say…Happy Birthday.
Just as the foamy waves crash upon the sandy shore so my heart seeks you more and more. With all my heart I wish you a happy birthday.
Use these birthday wishes for love and your lover will be on cloud nine. The birthday wishes for a lover are the best wishes for your partner. The birthday wishes for loved ones will bring smiles on their face and their special day will be even more special. These are undoubtedly the best birthday wishes. These are some of the lovely birthday messages and wishes for your lover. Send birthday SMS for lover throughout the day and be in his/her thoughts.
Birthday Quotes for Lover:
May you be gifted with life’s biggest joys and never-ending bliss. After all, you yourself are a gift to earth, so you deserve the best.
Your birthday is the first day of another 365-day journey. Be the shining thread in the beautiful tapestry of the world to make this year the best ever.
Poets and painters express my feelings best. My poor self can only say: Happy Birthday, and I love U.
This day is the best day of the year because on this day the love of my life was born. Happy Birthday! I love U.
Closing the doors on the world so we can be together is where I find the most joy. Happy Birthday!
One day, when we look back on this day, I think we will realize that it was only the first of many birthdays to come. I hope to celebrate with you now, and I hope to celebrate with you 100 years from now. Happy Birthday to you, my future. Happy Birthday, Sweetheart.
Have you ever thought what life would be like without me? Yeah, I could not see it either. I have been lucky in love thanks to you, my dear. Happy Birthday to the only person I can imagine building a future full of love with.
A kiss here, a kiss there, a thousand kisses for your birthday! Have a lovely day and may everyone see your gorgeous smile!
I may not be physically present to stand by you while you cut your cake, but you’ll be in my thoughts today! Happy Birthday.
May every soul you touch bring comfort and peace. May every friend you hug bring joy and solace. On your special day, my wish for you is to have everything that your heart desires because you are worth it. Happy Birthday I love U.
I’m really blessed to have you in my life, as nothing could be more special than the day when you came into this world. So thank you and a very happy birthday to a very special person.
I wish you happy birthday wishes and I look forward to making your birthday a very special and unforgettable day! Get ready for a special gift on a special day, my boyfriend.
There is no present good enough to show you how much I love you, so for your birthday, I give you my heart.
Happy Birthday to the sweetest and sugary person ever I know, have an awesome day ahead and stay blessed, happy birthday!
U are the reason I smile every day. Our passion will never go away, and or love will shine brightest on this special day. I love U.
Thanks for all the memories you’ve given to me. No matter how old we get, and how many more birthdays we celebrate, I will always be here for you. Happy Birthday.
U are the gift in my life, and on your special day, I give you the gift of my love. Take it with open arms, and embrace my hug.
U are the best thing that has happened in my life, and I wish you have an awesome birthday. You deserve it my love, and I will make sure your dreams come true.
Happy Birthday to my dearest friend and lover. Thank you for bringing happiness into my life. I love you with all my heart, and my feelings for you grow stronger with every day.
I am the luckiest person on Earth because I have the most wonderful person by my side. Thank you for being my rock, Happy Birthday my sweet pie. Happy Birthday to the Love of my life.
It is easy to fall in love with you. And staying in love with you is even easier. I love celebrating birthdays with you, and I am looking forward to celebrate another one next year. Happy Birthday my all.
On your special day, I wish you good luck. I hope this wonderful day will fill up your heart with joy and blessings. Have a fantastic birthday, celebrate the happiness on every day of your life. Happy Birthday!!
May this birthday be filled with lots of happy hours and also your life with many happy birthdays, that are yet to come. Happy birthday.
Let’s light the candles and celebrate this special day of your life. Happy birthday.
U are very special and that’s why you need to float with lots of smiles on your lovely face. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday, sweetheart. You are the most devoted, kindest, strongest and most loving partner anyone could have.
You fill my heart with love every time I look at you. May your birthday be just as full of love.
There is nothing I love more than spending another birthday with you. I hope you have enjoyed your day because it is my ultimate wish for you to be happy. Happy Birthday, sweetheart.
Roses and chocolates are on their way from the one who adores you the most. Happy Birthday, darling.
May God bless you with a successful life, good health and warm wishes on your birthday. I hope these blessings make your day even more special! Enjoy and have a blast!
On your birthday, let me remind you once more that my heart belongs to you. Let my love overflow upon you on your birthday. Happy Birthday.
If I have only one choice to live two days, I would wish you love me one day and the other day I will love you. Happy Birthday, Sweet Heart.
May life bring you everything you are dreaming about. Congratulations on your birthday, and have a blast on this day. Happy Birthday, Dear Love.
I have a special place in my heart reserved for U – and it grows a little larger every day we spend together. Happy Birthday.
I am happy that you choose to share your special day with me. Thank you for everything you have done for me. You are my sweetheart, and I will always love U.
Words are not enough to express my feelings for you. But my hug will help you understand how much I love U. My wish for you is to stay happy and cheerful always. Have the best birthday.
Painters and poets are the best people to express the feelings inside the heart. But, I can only say: Happy Birthday and I love U.
U are the most trusted friend, soul mate, and my partner. I can’t imagine my life without you. On this birthday, I will remind you all the reasons why I love U the most.
To live my life with you is all I desire, Happy Birthday!
I hope your birthday is as wonderful as you are! Live it like a king!
Birthdays pass quickly, but our love will always remain.
I draw a circle around you: not a heart because a heart can break, but a circle goes on forever. Happy Birthday, sweetheart.
The birthday greetings are not just words but emotions from the heart. Send happy birthday love quotes for your lover boy to make his day even more special. Express your love for your girlfriend with these messages in English. Your love for your lover cannot be measured but can only be expressed with these wishes and messages. These are the birthday quotes for love. Use these birthday quotes for love to bring a smile and cheer on his/her birthday. The quotes for her are the most amazing quotes to use and wish her. For him, these birthday wishes quotes with flowers and a card will do wonders. These birthday quotes for your baby girl are sure to remain in her heart forever. The b.day quotes for love are written with respect and emotions that are true to you and your love. These are the best quotation ever.
Birthday Messages for Lover:
I love you for how you are and the way you make me feel whenever we are together. Therefore, I would like to wish you the best birthday, and that all your dreams come true. I want you to have full happiness forever.
Although it may seem impossible, the truth is that with each passing day, I love you a little more, and our love cannot be defeated. You are with the only one with whom I would like to spend my life and the rest of your birthdays.
Count not the candles… see the light they give! Count not the years… but the life you live! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead. Happy birthday!
Birthdays are a time to say we hope you have the greatest day. Laugh, smile and celebrate with friends. May the magical days show no end! Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to the one without whom my life is incomplete.
I love you, and I do not dare say I tried to hide it, but now it’s your birthday, so I hope you accept my heart as a gift. Happy Birthday my sweetheart.
This year may be full of surprises and your first one comes from me. Happy birthday, love!
Sweet, smart, good-looking, funny. I could go on and on listing the ways that I think that you are great. And you would probably just sit there and let me too. How about if I just say Happy Birthday.
May you have all of the successes and achievement you want in life, I am always with you in all circumstances. Have a wonderful day. Happy Birthday To You.
U are my dream in my sleep; You are my vision in my eye; You are my smile on my lips; You are the beat of my heart; You are an angel in my prayer; You are light of my life; Happy Birthday, my love!
May U be blessed with happiness, success and unlimited joy on this special day.
I always dreamt of a friend who is always being close to my heart.
This dream comes true when I met yours.
To make your special day more special…
I wish you a very happy Birthday. I hope you all dreams come true this year.
This Birthday Greeting for my Lover who protects me with his armor. Who loves me a lot? A ton of wishes for my prince from her princess.
On your Birthday, I want to offer a small piece of the world to offer you as your special gift. I love you and A Very Happy Birthday.
U have shown me your heart. I give you mine, today on your birthday and always.
Let’s be kids together today and have cake and ice cream for your birthday, sweetheart.
Darling, it is your (number) birthday today. I am so excited to celebrate with you, and I hope you will be surprised with the plans I have in store. I love you so incredibly much.
There’s a vast space in my heart for all the love you have magically made happen. Have a birthday as bright as the bluest sky! Happy Birthday to the one I love.
It is never too late to grow up and stop being stupid. Maybe your 50th birthday is your chance to do just that. Happy birthday to you my love.
Don’t ever bother spending money on anti-aging creams or face-lifting lotions. At 50, there is no turning back even with a secret potion. Happy birthday.
Now the rest of your life will depend on whether you have fun by being nifty, or you become boring by being thrifty. The choice is yours. Happy 50th birthday.
At fifty you might not be able to make a fresh new start, but that doesn’t stop you from feeling young at heart. Happy B.day love.
May every path you take to be free of obstacles. May every corner bring pleasant surprises. May every door you enter bring good fortune. May this day be the happiest of birthdays for you.
I may not be able to give you the best gifts today, but my thoughts and wishes are with you on this special day.
We are together even when we are apart. You are always on my mind and in my heart. Nothing can come between us. Today and always, you are the light that keeps mine shining. Happy Birthday, sunshine.
With you, my path is straight and steady but never boring. I hope your birthday will be fun, full of love and the sweetest day ever. Happiest of birthdays, dearest.
Happy Birthday my angel. I wish I could write across the sky so that everyone could see it. But instead, I will kiss you and hug you so that you know you are truly loved.
No fat, no cholesterol, and no addictive. This message is all natural except for the honey. But it can never be as sweet as you. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
There is never a day that I will not think of you. I am captivated by your love, and I am thankful you chose me to be by your side. I love you and I hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Loving you is a privilege. But being loved by you is a blessing. Being with you is a wish come true, and I hope all your wishes come true on this special day.
Let’s hold hands and walk down memory lane for your birthday, remembering every step we’ve taken along the way. Happy Birthday Love.
Send romantic messages and wishes for your lover and make his/her birthday full of romance and love. These are the best wishes for someone you love and want to truly express your emotions. A special day deserves such special birthday wishes. Make him smile with funny birthday wishes, and he will love you more than ever! The birthday messages for love have been selected, keeping in mind your love and emotions for your partner. A birthday msg for the lover is the most wonderful gesture for his special day. Send happy birthday SMS when he/she least expects it and surprise him/her. Send birthday wishing message for his/her day. Send your love and birthday messages to make her the happiest birthday girl today.